Evodiamine inhibits the proliferation of human sk-br-3 breast cancer cells by inducing apoptosis
Page No: 00
By: Rida Zahra, Shafaq Mannan, Zunaira Sadiq,3 Imran Khan, M Arslan Rasheed Cheema, Adeen Zahoor
Keywords: Breastbreast cancer, Evodiamineevodiamine, proliferation, apoptosis
DOI : 10.36721/PJPS.0000.00.0.SP.000-000.1
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By: Rida Zahra, Shafaq Mannan, Zunaira Sadiq,3 Imran Khan, M Arslan Rasheed Cheema, Adeen Zahoor
Keywords: Breastbreast cancer, Evodiamineevodiamine, proliferation, apoptosis
DOI : 10.36721/PJPS.0000.00.0.SP.000-000.1
Abstract: Evodiamine has been reported to exhibitexhibits anticancer effects against a number of human cancer cell lines.
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