Anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and hypolipidemic potential of Cinnamomum verum J. Presi bark coupled with FT-IR and HPLC analysis Page No: 1529-1544

By: Syed Zia ul Hasnain, Maryam Ahmed, Rizwana Manzoor, Adnan Amin, Jahanzeb Mudassir, Sadia Jafar Rana, Khizar Abbas

Keywords: Obesity, atorvastatin, glibenclamide, cinnamomum and inflammation.

DOI : 10.36721/PJPS.2024.37.6.REG.1529-1544.1

Abstract: Medicinal plants and herbs are used from ancient times for the treatment of acute or chronic diseases because they are easily accessible and have low cost. In this research, we investigated anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic potential of ethanolic extract of Cinnamomun verum J. Presi bark. Anti-inflammatory activities were performed by proteinase inhibition, heat-induced hemolysis and BSA denaturation. Advance glycation inhibition potential was performed by ?-amyloid formation, fructosamine assay and free carbonyl group estimation. The in-vivo antidiabetic and anti-obesity potential were evaluated by using high-fat, high-sugar diet (HFHSD) model. FT-IR and HPLC were also performed. Results showed that proteinase showed 76±1.06%, heat-induced hemolysis showed 59±1.02% and BSA denaturation showed 48.2±1.04% inhibition. The ?-amyloid formation assay showed an absorption of 0.022, the fructosamine assay showed 33.3±0.04% and free carbonyl group estimation showed 20.3±0.02% inhibition. The in-vivo study showed that ethanolic extract significantly improves body weight, blood glucose level, lipid profile and liver markers in a dose-dependent manner. The FT-IR spectrum confirmed the presence of multiple functional groups, while HPLC identified thymoquinone, coumarin ?-cysteine. It is concluded from these results that Cinnamomum verum J. Presi bark ethanolic extract can be used to treat inflammation, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.

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