Identification of fungal melanin production and the role of anti-melanin agents
Page No: 1483-1488
By: Saba Iqbal, Fatima Ismail
Keywords: Filamentous fungi, melanin pigment, maximum inhibition, oxidizing and reducing agents, tyrosinase activity
DOI : 10.36721/PJPS.2023.36.5.REG.1483-1488.1
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By: Saba Iqbal, Fatima Ismail
Keywords: Filamentous fungi, melanin pigment, maximum inhibition, oxidizing and reducing agents, tyrosinase activity
DOI : 10.36721/PJPS.2023.36.5.REG.1483-1488.1
Abstract: Accumulation of melanin pigment in some specific areas of human skin leads to various skin disorders
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